"D&D Speedway" By Mario DeLaura ARCADIAN 4, no. 3 (December 24, 1981): 30-31. The instructions for "D&D Speedway" were not included in the "Arcadian." Comments by Adam Trionfo: Since there is no description of the game, I can only piece together what the player is doing. Here's what I've come up with without even having seen the game played. "You're on a perilous mission to save the land from darkness. Using your four-wheeled Super Wagon powered by your wizard's magic, you travel along the Path of Light to make your party's way to the Castle of Oblivion. At every curve in the road there are trolls and orcs blocking your passage. Archers take shots at you from behind trees in the gloomy forest on either side. Pick up friendly elves for bonus points and energy. Once you reach your goal can YOU stop the evil set to descend upon your land?"